Tuesday, February 9, 2016

A New Focus

This week I am going to a couple of the paintings I have been working on.

I love making jewelry and dolls and lots of craft pieces, but I have been an artist since I was very small. Space is limited in an RV and drawing and painting supplies take up less room than jewelry supplies, doll making supplies, scrapbooking supplies, etc. I don’t have the luxury of a work table and spreading my supplies all over. I work at the dining table/booth and share it with my husband. (The photo was taken before we moved into the trailer.)

Truthfully, this is a great way to help me focus my energies. Having too many options can be overwhelming and stressful. Focusing on one or two areas instead of six or more can help. You can also become more proficient at the one thing you are doing when you aren’t trying to do too many things at the same time.

These watercolor paintings were done on watercolor paper. They are small sizes, 5x7 mostly.  

Watercolor is said to be the hardest of painting mediums. I would say that it takes practice, like everything else. If you want to be proficient at it, keep doing it and learning more about it. Don’t get upset if you don’t get it right away. If you really want to do something, anything, you have to work at it. Sometimes it takes lots of failure before you finally get it right. Many successful business people have been turned down a thousand times (Colonel Sanders KFC) before finding the one person who believed in their product. Keep trying and believe in yourself. You can do what you put your mind to.

Working small allows me to see how a painting goes together. Then, if I feel it would be good as a larger painting, I can paint it in a larger format later. I also do some ink sketches then add the watercolor paint. This creates a whole different look from just painting. The second painting, the tree and path, is done with an ink drawing. 

 I usually go to Google search and look up different types of paintings in the images to get ideas. Pinterest and even Etsy show so many great images it's fun to look. I get inspired by all the amazing art that is being created. 

Don’t hesitate to try something new.

Til next week.


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