Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Altered Sketchbook

The process of moving to another town is a tough one. It takes up so much of your time that it interferes with some things. Today's post is a revisit of one that was originally posted in August of 2012. I hope you enjoy.
Are you ever intimidated by the black drawing book? You know the one. It has a hardcover and costs more than a regular old drawing tablet.

I bought one of them years ago and have only put a few sketches in it. The solidness of it, the idea of it, makes me nervous.

It makes me feel like whatever I put into it has to be the best. It’s not like my plain old drawing tablets that have paper covers. Those I can rip pages out of with no reservations at all.

But that black book. It says “don’t even think about tearing out the drawings you don’t like!” Whatever goes in, stays in.

I was thinking this morning about what to do with this post. And the black book came to mind. What if I do things to the cover? What if I paint on it? Or glue things on it.?

Well, here is what I did. First I marked out and drilled holes to run ribbon around it. I also marked holes in the spine to run cord so it looks like it was hand bound (sort of).

Then I got out some of my scrapbook papers, ribbons, a button, glitter, ModPodge, and some other trims.

I cut out the papers and created a collage on the front, and the back of the book.  

I had only a minor idea of how this would come together. I layered papers and added odds and ends from my stash of sayings, tissue paper, etc.

The holes I drilled were small so I only used one ribbon instead of three or four. I threaded the ribbon through the edge holes and a separate pair for the binding. I then tied all the ends together at top and bottom. This made fun tassles.  I also added a pair of ribbons tied to the knot at the top of the spine to act as a bookmark.

At left you can see the back. I created a loop with the ribbon to go around the button on the front as a clasp closure.

I may add something to the inside covers in the future. For now I think it is complete.

The intention of this project wasn’t really to make the book look pretty.  I wanted to make it less intimidating. My thought was “if I can drill holes and glue stuff to it, it will be easier to just draw with abandon instead of trying to be perfect.”

This way there won’t be any expectation that the contents are serious, amazing, or even my best work. I can now just draw, doodle, paint, or write whatever I feel, with no fear.

It’s the same with a blank white canvas. By painting it a light color, any color, it takes the fear out of putting bright paint onto a vast expanse of white.

See you next week. Experiment. Think outside the box. Try something new. Make one great big mess. As you can see behind the book, my work table is a pile of tools, glue, paint, the stuff for this project, and my oil paints. But I had fun and that’s what it’s all about.  Isn’t it?

And now I have to put some of this stuff away so I can do more painting and come up with next week’s post.

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