Thursday, August 25, 2016

Some Older Artworks

Well, it was finally determined that we cannot get Speedconnect here in this RV park. We are too far from their tower, behind the hills and below the level of the road. We knew this but it took multiple phone calls and several weeks before they figured it out.

So now we are using the wi-fi from the park. It is spotty and most of the time I cannot get on the internet. I have to try at different times throughout the day and hope at some point I will be able to connect. We are looking into other options (not much to choose from).

While this has all gone on I have had little time to create projects for this blog. But I realized that I might share some of my older artwork with you. I have found that my art changes with location. Each time I move and my life changes, it changes the type of art I create. Since I am back in an old western town my art will most likely return to the type of works you see in today’s blog.

I have been an artist all of my life. Today I am going to share some of the photos of work I did in the early 1980’s while living in California (my native state). I lived near Bakersfield (my birthplace), up in the mountains by Lake Isabella. Recently the area was in the news for the Erskine Fire that burned so many homes, entire neighborhoods. I still have friends there and they lost their homes. It is heartbreaking.

Anyway, these are photos of some of my pencil drawings and pen and ink drawings from that time.

 The rodeo drawings are from 1982 when I took six rolls of 35mm film at a local rodeo. I did a bunch of pencil drawings from those photos. I still have the black and white photos.

In the area where I lived there were/are huge cattle ranches and I liked to take photos of the cowboys as they worked in the fields. One of these is a pencil drawing, the the other is pastel/charcoal on gray paper.  These were framed because I showed them at a local art show. My parents and brother had these. Don't really know where they are now.

The two houses were historic old ones that I thought would make great pieces of art. One was pen and ink, the other (The Walker House) was done on scratchboard. 

The large building shown below, done in ink on illustration board, was an old flour mill in Weldon, CA that was one of my favorites for photos. This was large, 24x30". It was given as a gift to my closest friend, she loved it.

And the photo at the beginning of the post today is one of the trees, water and bird. This is the artwork I did for the Nature Conservancy Dedication Invitation. They purchased the land where the old flour mill sits along the south fork of the Kern River. They had a dedication ceremony and I had the privilege of creating the art for the invitation and the Itinerary List. It was done in ink and I used some of their photos to create the art.

I hope this was interesting for you. I thought you might like to see some of my work other than the crafts and recent paintings.  I may share more of my old artwork in a few weeks. I have also put a few of my older drawings on my Etsy store for sale. They are original pencil drawings.

Thank you for your interest in my blog posts. I do appreciate everyone.



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