Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Wire Bugs and Lizards

I have been moving stuff into our new trailer and saw these little guys that I made last summer.

I was inspired to create these after going to some yard sales. One man had some large bugs made from really large metal rods and large rocks. I don’t do welding so I couldn’t do anything that large. But I do have lots of jewelry wire and there are tons of small rocks in the driveway.

I also needed a clip on the outside of the trailer for the park managers to hang notices. I decided to create the green lizard. He usually has a clip hanging from his long wire tongue.

The lizards are only about seven inches long and the bugs are up to four inches long.

I had fun experimenting with different stones and picking the beads for the heads.

Here is the bug’s belly. Each bug is one of a kind. The wire was bent according to the shape of the stone I used. 

Every bead head was chosen to go with the stone and to fit into the stone just right. I love some of the beads. The designs create some great faces and eyes.

Some of the bugs and the purple lizard have been sitting outside in the weather, which has caused some wire to rust, especially the orange bug.

Each one of these takes several hours to create. But they are so fun to look at.

This is one of the examples of why experimenting is fun. If you see something that intrigues you and it doesn’t cost too much to try it, do it. I look at each project as an education. Even if I only make one or two of something I learn so much that can be used later on some other project. The act of figuring out how to do it is good for the brain and very helpful in future projects.

I hope you try something new this week.



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