Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Drawing 15 More Spirit Art

Here is today’s drawing. This spirit drawing was done with Prismacolor colored pencils on art paper. Her name seems to be Carmen. Her story is shown at the end of this post.

When I was doing the spirit art drawings in 1993 I was mainly using these colored pencils. I love the number of colors they have. I probably have close to 100 pencils. They work well on any kind of paper and blend well.

Below are some of  the drawings from my files. These were not done for clients. I did them for either practice or for personal messages.  They are all from 1993.

This image is of one of my very first sketches. I was working in a new age store in Florida. This is Maria and she is an artist spirit who was with me to help me as I started doing the spirit drawings.

The next one is a drawing of an angel.

The third drawing is of Shar-lin, a healer. She was a healer when she lived and was with me to help me while I was learning Reiki. I am now a Reiki Master Teacher, as is my husband Bill.

The next is a drawing of a man named Inguez. I am not sure of his nationality. He came through with a message for me.

I do not have any photos of the drawings I did for clients at that time. It was way before cell phones with cameras so taking a quick photo was not an option at a psychic faire. I only have the drawings I did for myself and an ex-husband.

This last one is one of the drawings I did for my ex just before a psychic faire in Cocoa, FL. He asked me to draw a picture of whoever was watching over us at that time (he was driving us to the faire).  

I usually start each drawing with the eyes, nose and mouth. The background is the last thing drawn. I was as surprised as my ex when this drawing was finished.

When I first became interested in spirit art I was skeptical that I could do it. Even with my art background I wasn’t sure. But I kept getting encouragement from spirit and was surprised when I was able to do it.

I think everyone has something they want to do but has a fear of not being capable. It is very important to try. Even if you fail a couple of times, if you really want to do it you will find a way.



Watch for the new metaphysical name for my shop in an upcoming blog post.

Carmen’s story: She seems to have died tragically at a young age, maybe 20. She loved the color blue and loved makeup. She wants to be remembered the way she looks here and not the way she looked when she died. She is at peace and wants her family to know she is doing well. 

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