Thursday, October 13, 2016

Drawing 2

Well, this is day two of my challenge.

I did another landscape sketch, then decided it needed to be inked in. It was on the 80 pound, acid free drawing paper.

I used the Prismacolor Premier Illustration Markers, 03 and 05 points. The first photo shows the result.

But I still felt it was blah. It didn’t really pop. Because it’s a small drawing it was hard to really tell what things were if you held it at arm’s length. So putting it in a frame on a wall would be even worse. From any distance over one foot you would not be able to tell what it was a drawing of.

So I used my watercolors to add lights and darks and give it some feeling.

Here you can see my final result. Not the best of paintings, but at least you can tell much better what you are looking at from a distance.

This is a good challenge because it will push me to be a better artist. I have been lax in drawing or painting every day.

I have so many paints and art papers and canvases that I could probably create a new piece every day for a year, at least.  I am terrible at yard sales where there are art supplies. I buy them even when I don’t need them.

Whether you are a fine artist, crafter, quilter, or jewelry maker, a challenge is always good for you. It pushes you to do better. It pushes you to step outside your comfort zone and try new things.

The idea of this challenge is not to always create saleable work. It is partly to find who I am as an artist. My hope is to learn more of what I can do and what I really want to do.


And check out the new items in my Etsy Store:

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