Friday, October 14, 2016

Drawing 3

Here we are on day 3 of my art challenge.

This drawing is another 5x7” on the drawing paper.

This time I did a piece inspired by some of my coloring book drawings. I started with a 2H pencil and did a light sketch of the face and some of the hair tendrils.

Once I got a good sketch I took the 03 Prismacolor pen and started following my pencil marks. I had some hair pieces I didn’t like so I redid the lines of those. Then I worked back and forth with pen and pencil to get the final ink rendering.

Then I decided to add all the swirling lines around the back and sides of the head.

After the whole ink drawing was finished I used an eraser to gently remove any pencil lines that were showing. I scanned the drawing into the computer at this point.

Then I used watercolors to give it life. I tried not to get too detailed with the paint. I just wanted to highlight each part and make the face stand out.

I am having fun with this challenge and each day I find myself getting less stressed about what I create. Today I told myself that if I messed up the drawing I would just create another one. That worked to help me relax and not worry about what I was creating.

After all, this is just a small piece of paper and a pencil. Not an expensive loss if I get the drawing wrong. But it’s easy to get caught up in trying to do a perfect job the first time you sit down to draw, or begin any project. It’s a human thing. So we have to learn to let go and allow the mistakes to happen. That’s really how we learn.

I hope you are having a great week. And I hope you are trying new things each week.



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