Tuesday, October 11, 2016

New Old Drawings and Stuff

After major internet connection issues I am finally am able to post again.
While I was unable to use the internet I worked on a bunch of jewelry.  I sold a few pieces a couple of weeks ago to a local gift shop and the owner plans to buy more in the future. So I created more wire wrap pieces and some polymer clay Steampunk hearts.

I’ve also been evaluating what I am going to be posting here in this blog going forward. I feel like I have hit a creative block as far as craft projects go. I’m having trouble coming up with cool and fun ideas. 

I was watching an Artbeat Nation episode on the local PBS channel this past weekend and was inspired by a young woman who creates a collage every day from magazine images. She makes a new one each day and posts it to her blog. I like the idea of pushing yourself like that to create something new each day. I spend so much time on some of the jewelry that I don’t draw or paint as much as I would like to.

So I have decided to create a new art piece each day. It may be as simple as a pencil, ink or pastel drawing. Or it may be a small painting in watercolor or acrylic. I think they will all be approximately 5”x7” on really good art papers.

My plan is to create art works that I will sell in my Etsy store. They will be priced as low as $5 and probably no more than $20.

As you can see I have included some art works in this blog. These are older drawings but I still wanted to have some kind of images today.  They are from some of my sketch books.  They are from the 1990’s through 2001. I actually have sketch books from the 1980’s and photos of some of my work from the 1970’s.

The first image in this post is actually a scratch art piece I made for one of my college art classes. The piece is 8.5x11 inches, and is in one of my binders. Besides my sketchbooks, I have several binders full of sketches and drawings from over the years.

Many artworks and photos of older works have been scanned into the computer and have been put together chronologically. 

I will include descriptions of my inspiration for each piece and what the medium was. I just won't be doing such long involved posts. I’m hoping to be able to post every day. We shall see.

I hope you continue to read my blog and I do encourage feedback. Comments are welcome.



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